River and tides is a 2001 documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy. It is about Transitory nature of art and life. Goldsworthy create intricated and temporary sculpture from natural materials such as rocks , leaves flowers, snow , ice , clay. He connects Creativity of art with deep philosophical meaning of life and nature. River means growth it has deep connotations like River of growth goes through trees , growth of animal , River of sheep - flow and movement.
Goldsworthy says that "Art for me is a form of nourishment". He notices sculpture, "The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about its death." The documentary described about Scottish landscapes. He talks about the impact of sheep on the Scottish landscape, and made a chain of green leaves and placed them in the water. Beautiful stonewall, crosses a field, and goes under a river, and emerges to wind through the trees on the other side.
Thus all are beautiful moments with nature , to live with it very interesting thing.
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