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Assignment of write a critical Appreciation on Robinson Crusoe

Name: Makwana Monika
Roll no: 28
Paper-2: The Neo- classical Literature
Topic: Write a critical appreciation of Robinson Crusoe
Enrollment no: 2069108420290027
Email I’D: makwanamonika76@gmail.comm
Submitted to: smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English


Robinson Crusoe is a Novel, written by Daniel Defoe. The novel was published in 1719. Daniel Defoe wrote the story of “Robinson Crusoe” at the age of fifty nine. And it was immediate success of his. The story of Robinson Crusoe that has delighted the young old hundred years was actually based on an experience of a seaman in his life. Defoe’s hands and the story itself is turned into a microcosm of the eighteenth century’s triumph over nature. Crusoe stay on island, during the thirty year, Crusoe established himself completely and very comfortably. Converts his native servant Friday to Christianity, overcomes the savage and is hailed as their master. Allowing Crusoe to rescue ammunition by the happy device and material from his wrecked ship before the storm finally destroy it, Defoe was able to invest every moment of his life on island with interesting any withholding of belief is impossible while reader is confronted with thousand details of Crusoe’s activity, making goats, preparing his food, and fortifying at his home. Nothing omitted that might delight the new reading public. This book is a kind of epic of human Endeavor ceaselessly striving after some fresh comfort or betterment.  Views differ as to the sincerity of the religious psychology, the can be no doubt as the truth of the touches which indicate the desire for companionship Daniel Defoe wrote “Robinson Crusoe” about life of Crusoe on island and how he struggle for his needful things. Defoe wrote critical appreciation on Robinson Crusoe.

About the author

Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. Originally christened Daniel foe , he changing his name around the age of 35 to sound more aristocratic like his character Robinson Crusoe, He was a third child. James and Mary foe, were Crusoe’s father and mother, were Presbyterian dissenters. James foe was a middle class wax and candle merchant. As a boy, Daniel Defoe witnessed two of the greatest disasters of the 17th century: a recurrence of the plague and the great fire of London in 1666. These events may have shaped his fascination with catastrophes and survival in his writing.
Defoe attended respected school in Dorking, where he was a brilliant student, he was excellent student, but as a Presbyterian, he was forbidden to attend oxford. He entered a dissenting institution, called Morton’s academy and considered becoming a Presbyterian Minister. He married an heiress named Mary Tuffley, who brought him the sizeable fortune of 3,700 pound as dowry.

  • His famous work

   Robinson Crusoe (1719)
   Adventure of Robinson Crusoe(1719)
   Memories of a cavalier (1720)
   A journal of the plague year (1722)
   Colonel Jack (1722)
   Moll Flanders (1722)
   Roxana: the fortune mistress (1724)

Robinson Crusoe:- The novel’s protagonist and narrator. And a young man in York in search of a career

Friday:- A twenty six year old Caribbean native. Friday becomes Crusoe’s servant after Crusoe saves his life when Friday is about to be eaten by other cannibals.

The Portuguese captain:- The sea captain picks up Crusoe’s and the slave boy xury from their boat after they escape from their Moorish captors and float down the American coast.

The Spaniard:- One of the man from Spanish ship

Xury:- A nonwhite slave boy only briefly introduced during the period of Crusoe’s enslavement in sale.

 The Widow:- The widow keeps Crusoe’s 200 pounds safe in England throughout all his thirty-five years of journeying.

Theme of the novel
There are three themes in this novel Robinson Crusoe:
1)The ambivalence of Mastery
Crusoe is a protagonist of the novel. He is success in muster of his situation then controlling his environment show all the condition of mastery in light starting in the novel, Crusoe state on the island and inhospitable environment but if makes it his home than the master of Crusoe and another. Theme of master is the home than the master is the complex and positive of Friday in his ideas of mastery comes to apply for the unfair relationship between Friday and Crusoe. Crusoe also trained by Friday. Robinson Crusoe the ‘master’, the Friday ‘yes’ and he lets him ‘know that to be name’ Defoe is also kind the link of the colonial mind of human being

2)The necessity of repentance

Robinson Crusoe not only an adventure story but also a moral tale. He believes that his rebellious behavior towards his father, he refers to as his ‘’origin sin to Adam and eve’s first disobedience of God. Ironically view of necessity of repentance of ends up sin Robinson Crusoe may never have learned Top repent if he had sinfully disobeyed his father in the first place.

3)The importance in Robinson Crusoe
His island existence actually depends on his self awareness as he withdraws from the external social world and turns inward. After arriving at island, he remains aware of himself Crusoe feels the importance of staying aware of his situation at all times.

  • Plot overview

Robinson Crusoe is a young man, who lives in hull England. His father wants to him to become lawyer but he wants to be a sea voyages. He disregards he fact that his two older brother are gone because of their need for adventure. His father suggested to him that the safer way but he ignores. He ran away with a friend and tells the other one xury that he may stay if he is faithful. They are rescued by Portuguese ship. The captain Portuguese is kind who looks him to Brazil and lives with the captain. Crusoe’s financial guardians in England are the captain and a widow. He does plantation and left for trade slaves Robinson Crusoe for 27 years remains on island. He was able to take provisions from the ship builds a home by him learns to cook, and raises crops and goats.

In the beginning he feels very sad and then turns to religion. He convinces himself that his own life is better and less wicked. After fifteen year he stay on island he finds savage’s footprints. He was afraid of cannibals but he uses the guns and he scares them. His rescue footprints, even through Crusoe had been since away 35 years, his plantation had not well and he given money to captain Portuguese and the widow, who were so kind to him. He settled in the English countryside and marrying, a having three children’s.

  • Full title of the novel

Robinson Crusoe is a novel, written by Daniel Defoe. First publish in 1719. The first credited the work’s fictional protagonist “Robinson Crusoe” as its author and the many readers to believe he was a real person and the book a travelogue of the true incident the original title is,
The life and strange surprising
Adventure of Robinson Crusoe,
Of York, mariner: who liyed
Eight and twenty
Years all alone in an
Uninhabited Island and the coast of
America, near the mouth of the
Great River of orooneque:
Having been cast on shore by
Shipwreck wherein all the
Men perished but himself with
An account how he has at
Last as strangely delivered by
The novel is simple narrative style and then Robinson Crusoe is well known as the literary world and then credited as marking.  The beginning is realistic way of fiction, as a literary genre and before the end novel 1719. The book had already run through 4 editions.

  • Historical background

By the time of Robinson Crusoe European nations had acquired empires in South America.  Africa and Asia Defoe was display interested in the voyages. So, Daniel Defoe wrote about voyages. He tells tale of a marooned individual in order in criticize society. By the using the island locations similar to that of tempt, he also depict Crusoe’s island as a microcosm of European values and education are evident: he colonizes the island by building houses. His successful development on the island parallel that of the British empire around the eighteenth century.

  • The novel of Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe in 1719. In the story, before landing on the island Crusoe’s father wants to him to be a good, middle class guy, Robinson Crusoe, who wants to nothing more than to travel around in a ship, was definitely not into this idea, he struggles against the authority of both his God and father and decides to thumb his nose at both by going adventuring on sea instead.
After sailing around for a while, Crusoe makes a bit of money in trade, but then was captured and made into a slave off the coast of Africa. He befriends a young man named Xury, with whom he escapes from captivity. Picked up by a Portuguese sailing captain, he makes it to Brazil where he buys a sugar plantation; he does fairly well financially, but soon becomes involved in a venture to procure slaves from Africa. On the voyage, he gets ship wrecked and is left as the only survivor on a deserted island. The novel is dedicated to Crusoe’s time alone on the island. He builds three man structures his initial shelter his country home on the opposite side of the island, and his Guns and ammo fort in wood.
He spends his time in planting corn, burly, and rice. He learns to make breads. He builds furniture, weaver, and baskets and make plot.
Crusoe also raises goats and tends to his little animal family and cats, dogs and a parrot. Through Crusoe becomes strong in his religious faith, eventually submitting to authority of God. He devotes himself to much religious reflection and prayer.
In the final section of the book, Crusoe sees a footprints on the shore on the day and learns that his actually not alone on the island. There is also cannibals his struggles with the question of whether or not be should take revenge on them any way e met with, Friday a native ma whom e was able to rescue from the cannibals. Crusoe teaches Friday English and convert him to Christianity, the two becomes like father and son, Friday and Crusoe also rescue a Spaniard and Friday’s father from a different group of cannibals.
Eventually, an English longboat full of sailor’s lands on the island Crusoe learns that the men have mutinied against their captain. After help of Crusoe restore order to ship, the men and captain pledge allegiance to Crusoe and agree to take him home. Crusoe then returns to Europe with Friday, where he comes into great deals of money from his sugar plantation Crusoe gets married and revisits the island in late year. The novel ends with promise of more adventure for him in the sequel.

The life and strange surprising adventure of Robinson Crusoe represents the average individual struggling against society and the acceptable view of the time during which he lived. In the begging of the story deals with the struggle with, not society but his parents expectation. Robinson Crusoe must choose between secury or adventure. His father greatly on courage him to safe Crusoe parents. In the book Defoe uses the story of a shipwrecked soldier to criticize. Before landing on island, Crusoe's father wants to him to be a good, middle class son but, Crusoe, who wants him nothing more than to travel the world in a ship, was definitely not into this idea. Crusoe lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an inhabited island on the coast of America near the mouth of the great river of orroonoque. The other realistic feature of Robinson Crusoe is religion. In the story he lived a long time alone on island and then he met with Friday then become happy. Because of, then he was not alone on island. Crusoe treat as a servant to Friday. And than he and Friday live with each other, and finally they have ship and way off the island . Crusoe relates his jouney home and how the resolve the outstanding issues he left behind in his life.


  1. Thank u it helped me alot can u plz post enlightenment age related to robinson son


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