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Types of social media

Name: Makwana Monika

Paper No: 15 Mass Communication and media studies

Roll no:-19

Topic: Social media 

Enrollment No: 206910842020190027

Email I’D:

Submitted to: SMT. S.B. Gardi Department of English

Types of Social Media 

What is communication?
The word communication is derived from Latin noun Communis. And it derived from verb Communicare, which means to share and to hold something in common. 

What is Social Media?

Social media is interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the sharing of information, news, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. It is refers to applications and website that is designed to allow people to share content quickly craftily, in real-time. Peoples define social media as apps upon their tablet or Smartphone.  But the truth was, this communication tool was started with computers. This misconception stems from the fact that most social media users access their tools via app. He ability to share, opinions, photos, events, etc in real-time has transformed the way we live and, also, the way we do business. Retailers who use Social media as a whole part of their marketing strategy usually see measurable results. The key to successful social media are to not treat it as an extra attachment but to treat it with the same respect, care and attention you do all of your things. It is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based interaction, input, collaboration and content-sharing. Applications and website dedicated to forums micro logging, social book marking, social curation, social networking, and wikis are among the different types of social media. Why it have so many individuals’ embraced businesses, brands and Instagram or Facebook pages? They understand the importance of it. Now that peoples often experience communicates with companies that is not face-to-face, shifting to social media has become an ideal path to actively engage with peoples. When it comes to enhancing peoples brand’s totally visibility, there is no subset of marketing that are replaced faster than social media. Every professional or business can profit from understanding social media’s importance when it comes to reaching their strengthening and audience their brand. With the social media, people have the opportunity to highlight all the best things of their business with one click. What information would be most useful for people’s current and potential customer to have easy access work to? Social media’s importance are seen while people realize their social pages become a hub for users to easily find out more about peoples business and what people care about, without clicking away from the website or app they is already browsing. How trustworthy are a business that shows the very limited facets of its work? Social media are the platforms provide an opportunity to legitimatize people’s brand. Social media are allows peoples to demonstrate others expertise in a variety of ways along with the mobility to write staff bios and share posts and produce content that can highlight peoples company’s values, brand voice and unique qualities that peoples services provide. Peoples can use it as a platform to distinguish peoples brand from others. Showing consumers that peoples brand personality are clearly defined and consistent are valuable, but peoples also want to make sure people also wrapping others brand identity in with common trends on the internet to show audience that is up-to-date on the world around your.
Having a strong familiarity with all things of peoples brand allows peoples to have a better idea of peoples social media platforms’ influence when interacting with customers.

Types of social media

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • SlideShare
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • Blogger
  • Gmail
  • YouTube


Facebook is the latest in a long line of what peoples now know as “social networking” websites. But what sets Facebook apart from the companions, is its popularity. Facebook was established in 2004 from the college dorm room of Mark Zuckerberg. He was a Harvard student. The website is worth billions of dollars and is one of the world’s most identified brands

What is Facebook?
Facebook is a website. It is allows peoples. It sign-up for free profiles to connect with people, work mate or other they don’t know, online. It allows peoples to share, videos, and articles, pictures, music, as well as their own opinions and thoughts with however many users they like. Peoples send “friend requests” to other people who they may – or may not – know. Other accepted, the two profiles are connected with each other person able to see whatever the others posts. “Facebookers” can post almost anything to their “timeline”, a snapshot of what are happening in their social circle at any given time, and can also enter private chat with other friends who are online. People with profiles list information about him or her. Whether it is what they work at, where they were studying, ages, or other personal details, many peoples post lots of information which are easily work to their friends, family member and other peoples. On top of this, peoples can “like” others post which interest them

Why Facebook is so much popular?
For young users, who have grown up with the help of technology? Facebook was one the most popular application or website there are. However, many teen is migrating to other social networking websites such as Snapchat and Instagram. Which people still use it; use it for social networking websites. Young users are natural born multi-takers, so using Facebook, as with any social networking website, is almost second nature to many teens. Social networking websites allow young people to experiment with who they are. They were popular because teens can find their own, uninhibited voice online which they can share with othersSome teens are feel they can express themselves to easier online when compared to the real world because may they feel the virtual world are more secure. A teenager likes Facebook because they can personalize their profile. In much the same way that other generations perhaps have plastered their bedroom walls with the posters of their favorite bands or soccer team, young users now take part in personalizing their own space online with music, videos pictures, and comments. The website had made communicating are much easier. Rather than picking up the telephone to ring your house, teens can instantly and directly communicate with their friends on Facebook. Moreover email, another relatively new technology, are of secondary importance to teens that used Facebook to do the majority of their communicating.

Staying Safe on Facebook
Facebook is give people control over what they share, which they share it with, the content they see and experience, and they can contact them, for more information go to the Facebook.
What is Twitter and why should you use it?
Twitter is a 'microblogging' system that it allows people to send and receive short posts, it called tweets. Tweets can be up to 140 characters long and can include links to relevant resources and websites. Twitter users follow other users. If you follow someone you can see their tweets in your twitter 'timeline'. You can choose to follow people and organizations with similar academic and personal interests to you. You can create your own tweets or you can retweet information that has been tweeted by others. Retweeting means that it information can be shared quickly and with a large number of users.
Why use us Twitter?
Twitter has become popular with academics as well as policymakers, politicians students, and the general public. Many users struggled to understand what Twitter and how they use it, but it is now become the social media platform for many peoples. The snappy nature of tweets means that Twitter is more used by Smartphone users who don’t want to read long content items on-screen.

What Twitter allows people?r
  • follow the work of other peoples experts in your field
  • build relationships with experts and other 
  • keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments, and share it with other peoples instantly
  • reach new peoples
  • Seek feedback about your work and give feedback to other peoples.
  • follow and contribute to discussions on events, 
  • Express who you are as a person.
What should you tweet about?
The type of information user tweet can depend on whether user is tweeting as an individual or as an organization, project or group. If user has a personal Twitter account user may want to mix tweets about their research with tweets about other things that is of interest to user, for example:- hobbies, news stories and general observations. Insights into non-academic aspects of users life can help make user an interesting person to follow. If user is tweeting on behalf of an organization, project or group then you may choose to only send research-related tweets. Twitter is a relatively informal communications website so doesn’t be afraid to embrace a, friendly, personal and humorous approach to tweeting. 

LinkedIn is the top online site for professional career networking, and social. The website access as an online directory of individual professionals and organizations, and facilitates the process of professional networking without having to leave your office.  Individuals use LinkedIn for professional networking, connecting, and job searching; companies use it for recruiting and for sharing company information through prospective employees.

Instagram is a social media. It is a social networking app. it made for sharing photos and videos from a Smartphone. Same as twitter and Facebook, everyone who sign in an Instagram account have a profile and news feed. When you post a photo or video on Instagram, it will be displayed on your profile. Other peoples who follow you will see people’s posts in their own feed

It was launching in 2009, WhatsApp has fatly become the world’s most popular text and voice messaging application. Specializing in cross-platform messaging, WhatsApp is a free service that lets peoples message each other seamlessly between mobile and desktop devices.
Social media is widely used by the peoples for various purposes. Through social media peoples get easily information. Social media are helped people in various things. It easy tools to work hard, it provides information, news and photos, and communication. 


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