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Assignment of critical analysis of The White Tiger

Name: Makwana Monika

Paper No: 13 The New Literature

Roll no:-19

Topic: critical analysis of The White Tiger

Enrollment No: 206910842020190027

Email I’D:

Submitted to: SMT. S.B. Gardi Department of English

The White Tiger is a novel of Arvind Adiga. And it is a Man Booker Prize winning novel was written by Arvind Adiga. The novel ' The White Tiger' is both- praised and criticized. Praised because of its literary quality and criticized for ruthless portrayal of India. One of the advantages of studying text that is ‘The White Tiger’, it is set in Indian country background. It is about Corruption in politics, police & education, darkness, pollution, prostitution, lightness,, failure of governmental institution, Rich & poor conflict, tragic life of workers like rickshaw pullers, drivers, sweepers etc, Globalization and change into morality, two sides of India-Darkness and Light. There was not a single object left out by Arvind Adiga. Whatever has come to his way, Adiga has bluntly criticized novel. Balram’s story is a tale of darkness, lightness, skullduggery, theft and murder.

Main characters of The Novel

Balram Halwai
Balram comes from a small village of India. Balram Denied a better education despite his intelligence, Balram earns the nickname "White Tiger". Then he becomes a driver of a rich landlord and his family. He was working in the city; he was disillusioned with what he recognizes as society's expectations of peoples in his caste. Balram takes risk everything to buy his dreams of being an entrepreneur rather than accept perpetual servitude. Balram believes murder and theft were necessary to become an entrepreneur. 
Mr. Ashok (son of a landlord)
Mr. Ashok had returned from America and finds Indian politics and Ashok's role in family affairs were uncomfortable. The long time Ashok was in India, moreover, the less he wants to return to America with his wife. Ashok relied on his driver, Balram, especially after sometime Pinky leaves him. He was oblivious to his own snobbery toward people below his social standing.
Kusum (Grand Mother of Balram)
Kusum was an Indian woman who likes to be in control and grandmother of Balram. A master manipulator, Kusum was not above using guilt or blackmail to boss her offspring into sending money home to the family. Kusum manages to survive grinding poverty and lead an extended family by wringing every coin she can out of the men of the family, valuing their earnings over their well-being
Pinky Madam (Wife of Ashok)
Pinky Madam was a wife of Ashok. She puts up with visiting her husband's family in India for some time. But Pinky thinks that it will be temporary. Pinky finds India distasteful and strangle. While driving with drunk, Pinky Madam by mistake killed a child. Pinky feels danger and wants to makes amend to the family. But when Pinky’s husband and his family pin the death on their driver, Balram, Pinky is appalled and finally leaves her husband Ashok and gets back to America.

The White Tiger Summary

The Novel is written by Arving Adiga. The whole novel was narrated through letters of Balram Halwai to the Premier of China, and who was soon be visiting India.
Balram was an Indian man from temporary background, and he was born in the Laxmangarh village. Here, Balram describes his fundamental story. He transcended his submissive beginnings for to become a successful entrepreneur in Bangalore. Then largely through the murder of  Ashok, Balram had been his employer. He also makes the clear that because of the murder, it was likely that his own family has been slaughter in compensation. In the village Laxmangarh, he was raised in a broad, poor family from the Halwai caste. Halwai means sweet makers. A Halwai is caste that implies sweet-makers. The village was dominated and oppressed by the ‘Four Animals,’ 
Four landlords known as..
And his father was a struggling rickshaw driver, and his mother died when he is very young. The alpha figure of his family is his ambitious grandmother, Kusum. Balram is in beginning referred with to simply name as “Munna,” meaning of Munna is “the boy," meanwhile Balram’s family was not bother to name of him. Balram doesn’t have another name until his schoolteacher called him Balram. Balram proved him intelligent and talented, and is praised one day as a fine “White Tiger” by a visiting school inspector. By his bad luck, he was shift from school after only a few years, to working in a tea shop with his brother. At the teashop, he tried to further his education through conversations of teashop customers. Balram feels at teashop, there are two India’s. The poor “Darkness” of the rural compartment and the second is “Light” of urban coastal of India. 
His father died from the decease is tuberculosis in a fusty village hospital. In that hospital there was no doctors were present cause to much corruption inside all the government institutions in the Darkness. After death of his father, Kishan getting marries and turns with Balram to the Dhanbad city for work. At that place, Balram decided to become a driver, and raise money to taking driving lessons from one of a taxi driver. One day, he was hired by the rich Stork (The Landlord of Laxmangarh), as a driver for his sons, Mushek and Ashok. Thus, he was the second driver, he driving the Maruti Suzuki, while the other servant, Ram Persad, drives the more desirable Honda City. As a driver at the household of the stork, he lived a good, stable and satisfactory life. He was wearing a uniform and was sleeping in a hooded room which he shared with the second servant Ram Persad. One day, Ashok and his wife, Pinky Madam, decided to visit Laxmangarh Balram were Balram drives them Laxmangarh, and thus there he had a chance to meet his family. They are proud of his fulfillments. But Kusum give pressure to him to get married. And which angered him that would cede what he saw as his upward ability. He shows at length the corrupt nature of politics in the Darkness. Politician known as great socialist controls the Darkness through election fraudness. The landlord’s family involves in this corrupt business those dealings in the coal industry. It must regularly bribe the Great Socialist to guarantee their success. As part of this political corruption, Ashok and Pinky made plans to go to Delhi for three months. He considers Delhi as a crazy city, chronic with traffic jams and pollution, with illogically numbered houses and indirect streets that are difficult to navigate. In Gurgaon, Ashok and Pinky rented an apartment. Gurgaon is the most American part of the city. Pinky Madam hated India and she missed New York. Balram was live in the quarters of the servants in the basement of the building.
To deliverance the teasing, he chose to live in a tiny, fusty room swarming with cockroaches. After sometime, the Mongoose returned to Dhanbad and leave Ashok like Balram’s sole master in Delhi. There, one night, a drunken Pinky insists on driving the car and she by mistake killed a child in a hit-and-run. And the next morning, the Mongoose comes arrived and says that Balram would confess to the crime and ready to get jail time on Pinky’s behalf. Balram was so afraid by the prospect of going to jail. But he was relieved when the landlord came arrived and they mentioned that they were got out of the incident through their connections of police. During that time, Balram's political consciousness raised more severe, and his irritation towards the upper class more was violent. After few days, Pinky found him and asked him to drive her to the airport. She ends her marriage to Ashok. When Ashok discovered that Balram took her to the airport without informing him, he heatedly attacked him, and who defended himself by kicking Ashok in the chest. With the divorce, Ashok began to live a abandoned lifestyle, more time getting drunk and going out to clubs. That time Balram cared for him like a wife. Balram’s family sent a young male relative, Dharam, for Balram to care for. Dharam is a sweet and humble companion. Balram took Dharam to the zoo, there Balram observed a white tiger in a cage. Finally deciding to break free of the Rooster Coop, he fashioned a weapon from a bust whiskey bottle, and decoy Ashok from the car. Balram rammed the bottle into Ashok’s skull. And then pierced him in the neck, and killing him. The Stork’s family likely murdered all of Balram’s family in revenge for his actions. Balram found great success in Bangalore. Balram had launched a taxi service for call center workers, in which he calls it White Tiger Technology Drivers. By brings the police, Balram was able to profit influence and make his business successful.
Arvind Adiga tries to portray an image of India of darkness and India of lightness through the character of Balram Halwai. Although Adiga has claimed that he was inspired in the writing of the novel by the examples of writers like Flaubert, Balzac, and Dickens. The novel presents a one-sided approach to rural life and rehearses the fears of middle-class metropolitan Indians. The narrative shows the stereotypes of the village.  The novel depicts the rise of Balram Halwai from acute rural poverty to becoming a driver to a rich man in the city, to running, finally, his own business in Bangalore, the way for which is paved by Halwai murdering his master. 


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