The task..
3) Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.
Method of English language teaching
Here is a difference between approach and method is that An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody and A method is the process which used or the steps taken to deal with an issue or a person. Approach is the way in which you will approach the piece of literature you are teaching. You may center on the diction. or the theme, or the structure, or the romantic (or modern, etc.) nature of the piece; whatever you choose to teach. Approach is what you are going to teach.
1)A method appealed you the most from the above given methods? Give Reasons
Here I learn various methods,
• The grammar translation Method,
• The Direct Method,
• Audio lingual method,
• Total Physical response,
• Suggestopedia and The Silent way method.
I appealed no more from above given methods.
2)Tell something about your favorite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?
When I was in school and collage time during I learnt the direct method and grammar translation method which used by my teachers When I studied in course of B.a. where I learnt about those method's theory with practical way. I think this methods sre very useful for students and teachers also. This methods improve a lot us.
No I like all because methods impove use very much when I was in the school, I like the most Grammar translation Method which used by my English teacher. It is useful for improving the language and also for better understanding . So therefore like mostly The Grammar translation Method.
I think you have not understood the difference between Approach and Method. Rectify the Grammar errors!