This task is a part of my academic thinking activity task on lecture: Prof.Atanu Bhattacharya
On 25th, 26th and 27th January, 2020 prof. Atanu Bhattacharya came in my department. He taught us on the subject ELT-2. He discussed various concepts. e,s...
1} History of English language Teaching - 2
2} ELT : Principles and Concepts
3} Language Teaching : In Indian perspective
4} Historical Perspective in English Teaching :
Western Perspective
5} The audio - Lingual Method or Audio - Visual
6} Communicative Language Teaching : (CLT)
7} Task- Based Teaching
8} Computer Assisted Language Teaching
9} Doing teaching Task in class
10} Rubric Evaluation through watching the videos
11} Future of English Studies
On the 1st Day, Sir talked about ELT Subject then he talked about history of ELT-2 .H talked about how English language emerged in India. he talked about English language Teaching's 6 Periods like :
1. Classical
2. Middle Ages
3. 12th & 15th centuries
4. Renaissance
5. 17th, 18th & 19th Centuries
6. 19th & early 20th.
Then he talked that Aristotalian logical concept are implied in ELT.
● Socrates is a Man.
● Socrates is Mortal.
● All Men are Mortal.
Natural method or Direct Method he talked about. For ELT survival is one of the best method. Then he enlighten us with giving some of the live examples of Phonetics.
On the 2nd Day , Sir taked about Speech Acts Language Function. Then he talked about Theoretical Background and Historical overview of Literature Teaching in India.In the afternoon session, Sir gave us the task upon finding the rhyming words from poems, then teaching poetry means first we read the following passage and then arrange the sentances accordingly. It's indeed an interesting one task.
On the very 3rd and last Day, Sir talked upon Testing & Evaluation.
◆ 3 terms that are used in Testing & Evaluation :-
1. Testing
2. Evaluation
3. Assessment
Thank you.
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