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Summarise 'Orientalism'

Name: - Makwana Monika
Paper no. 11- The post colonialism
Topic: - summarize ‘Orientalism’
Roll no:-21
Enrollment no: - 206910842020190027
Email ID: -
Submitted to: - S. B. Gardi department of English

‘Orientalism’ is written by the famous writer Edward Said. It is written 1978. Orientalism greatly influential and controversial in the post Colonial studies. Edward Said successfully redefined the term 'Orientalism'. It to mean a constellation of false assumptions underlying western attitudes towards the Middle East.
 In the book Edward Said discusses Orientalism and redefined as west patronizing representations of 'The East' the societies and peoples who inhabit the place of Asia, Middle East and North Africa. Edward Said's Orientalism is the exaggeration of difference. The presumption of western superiority and the application of clichéd analytical models for perceiving the oriental word. Here is talk about western thought and perception of the eastern World. Especially in relation to the middle religion. The term Orientalism refers to three interrelated meaning and there are:-
1). An Academic tradition or field.
2). A worldview and representation
3). as a powerful political instrument of domination.
The characteristics in Orientalism are subtle and persistent Eurocentric prejudice against Arab Islamic peoples and their culture. It was derives from Western images of what is oriental that reduce the Orient to fictional essential of oriental peoples, the places of the Orient. These culture represents dominant the communications of western Peoples and with non- Western peoples. In the Orientalism these culture represents the 'Orient' as:-
• Primitive
• Irrational
• Violent
• Despotic
• Fanatic
• Essentially inferior to the native informative
 Therefore, enlightenment can only occur when traditional and reactionary values are replaced by contemporary idea that is western influenced first we know to discuss what post Colonialism is.
What is Postcolonial?
 It is studies of academic study. And it is the culture lagacy of imperialism and Colonialism. It focuses on human consequences of exploitation of Colonized people and their lands. Post colonialism represents an idealogical response towards colonialist thought. The term post colonialism means after colonialism. It is the story of a culture after the political and physical.
What is Orient?
The term 'Orient' is a historical term for the East and it traditionally comprises anything that belongs to the Eastern world and in relation to Europe, the Occident.
In English, it is largely a metonym for, coterminous with, the continent of Asia, loosely classified into the Near East, Middle East and Far East: the geographical and ethno-cultural regions now known as West Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Originally, the term Orient was used to designate the Near East, and later its meaning evolved and expanded, designating also the Middle East or the Far East. The term oriental is often used to describe objects from the Orient. However, given its Eurocentric connotations and shifting, inaccurate definition through the ages, it may be considered offensive as a label for people from East Asia.
 The word 'Oriental' was the adjective form of the noun 'Orient' which means the East. The words come from the Latin noun 'oriens' which means east. The use of Orient in this context head and uncontroversial history of 29th century. The term Oriental almost a European invention. It had been scenes antiquity a place of romance, Haunting memories, landscape, exotic being, remarkable experience. Orient was derives from the Latin word 'oriens'. It means the East. The word 'Orient' is based on logic of discourse. The Orient in western Civilization refers to the east and also its inhabitants.
What is occident?
It means the western part of the world especially the countries of America and Europe. Riddles with waste countries for example:- France, Europe and America. The word accident derived from the Latin word occidens is Orient derived from oriens as well as occident is derived from occidens. Occident is related to the west countries. It means that the hemisphere that include North America and South America. It new world or Western hemisphere. oxidant is a part of horizon where sun is last appears in the evening that part of the earth towards the sunset is east opposed to waste as well as occident opposed to orient waste opposed to orient accident is antonyms of Orient. Occident is related to the term occidental. Oxidant means the west of the Western world.
What is difference and relationship between orient and occident?
Occident means the west and Orient means the East. Occident’s are civilizer and Orients are civilized. Occidens is colonized. Occident is modern and Orient is mysterious. Occident focused on present future and orients focused on the past. So this is relationship and difference between both.
 What is Orientalism?
The east countries especially East Asia. It studies of Orient means a study of Orient old civilization with an old knowledge system. The problem is white and Muslim people. It is a study of Middle East. Strangers by fortune of colors identities are not made naturally post structure structuralism has changed the way of thinking. In objective and subjective process Orientalism is means to a mental exercise and mental archrival. The structure of Orient was nothing more than a structure of life which wears the truth about them to be told would simply blow away. Orientalism is a different town it is related to orient and accident. Orientalism as a system of knowledge. It is a system of knowledge about Orient. it is an accept breed for filtering through the Orient into Western consciousness just as the same investment multiplied indeed made truly productive the statement profiling out from Orientalism into the general culture. Orientalism is largely considered foundational and a seminar test for post colonial studies. It discipline that has expanded to consider not only political system of imperialism and hegemonic. But and also power structure and relationships in Literature the art philosophy and the other fields. Orientalism is a style of thought. It is based on on an auto logical distinction made between Orient and occident. Orientalism can be analyzed and discussed corporate institution for dealing with the Orient. Orientalism is divided into three parts by Edward said.
There are three parts:-
•First the scope of Orientalism
•Second orientalist structures and Re structures
•And the third is Orientalism now.

Chapter 1:- The scope of Orientalism
In the scope of Orientalism Edward Said's Orientalism describes how the science of Orientalism developed as a system of knowledge in modern times.  According to him, the Western Orientals structures the world as made of two opposing elements, ours and theirs. So, these are not just geographical divisions but more importantly epistemological ones. In this chapter talked about the West and the East are to be cultural distinction, differences in civilization or lack of it. In Western eyes orients are incapable of taking care of themselves, they are lazy, lustful, irrational and violent but also exotic and mysterious. According to him men and researchers of administration took a very Eurocentric.
All accounts of the Orient according to him are prone to generalizations, attributing collective significance to acts of individuals. Orientalism for him is a system of self projection. The Orient served as a mirror for the West and who wanted to see himself as superior. The main point of him this chapter of Orientalism was that Western Knowledge of the East was never neutral since it was always involved with a political and cultural agenda.

Chapter 2:- Orientalist Structures and Restructures
In this chapter of Orientalism Said describes a shift in Western attitude towards the Orient in modern times. According to him Orientalism as a field of knowledge romanticized the non-Western world for Western viewers. The shape and content of the Orient is devised by Western eyes for western eyes. The Orient is to become the exotic, a land of sunshine and romantic fantasies. He explains that the Orient as the West's "other" in the 19th century. It does not mean that Westerners saw the Orient as superior to them.
Another justification provided by Orientalism for the rule of the West over the East is a form of social Darwinism which pointed to the fact that the West developed faster than other parts of the world as proof of the Westerners as biologically superior. The higher development rate of the West led to Westerners "discovering" others and not the other way around. This is seen as additional proof of the West's evolutionary advantage.

Chapter 3:- Orientalism Now
In this chapter Edward Said's "Orientalism" was devotes to exploring the most recent developments in Orientalism and the manner in which the Orient is perceived and treated by the Occident. He talked on third chapter of "Orientalism" by described how European colonialism is the geographical basis of Orientalism, both in geo-political and cultural aspects. Orientalism and colonialism are both driven by a quest for knowledge and power and their results and products are knowledge and power. He then moved on to talk about 20th century politics and change in the relationship between East and West.
 One of the main differences in the 20th century was that Orientalist became much more involves in the everyday lives of Orientals, unlike their predecessors who were uninvolved observers. This is not driven by a wish to resemble the Orients but rather by a wish to gain more knowledge about them and to rule them better. He holed the center of Orientalism shifted from Europe to the US these World War 1. Orientalism in the US is related to social sciences. Orientalism as a field of study is aimed to assist the government in finding ways to control non-Western societies. Decolonization processes following World War 2 does not mean the end of Orientalism which is made implicit instead of explicit. He concludes the "Orientalism" by arguing that Orientals should get a less passive position in the construction of their own image.
Orientalism is not political subject matter but it is large collection of texts. In short it corporate institution for dealing with Orient. Dealing orient by making statement about it and also by teaching it.  


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