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Four Approaches in ELT

Name: - Makwana Monika

Roll no:-21

Topic: - Four Approaches

M.A-2 Sem-3

Enrollment no:-206910842020190027

Email I’D:-

Submitted to: - S. B. Gardi Department of English



It is today's most important language. We know that English how important is. English language is our second language and foreign language. It is very useful language. As we know that what kind of use of this language. English language is the world's most widely studied foreign language.   Now a day’s English language is used everywhere and in everything. For examples, - mobile, laptop, computer, teaching, Face book, Twitter, internet, WhatsApp, Slide Share, blogger, Google etc. Everywhere we used this language in our college’s schools we used to communicate this language. 500 years ago Latin language was the most important language to be studied because Latin language was language was the language of Commerce, business and education in the Western world. At that time Latin language was important in education in the Western world. 500 years ago let in language was used in communication also. In 16th century however the English, French and Italian game is importance because some of political changes were happen in Europe. Latin gradually because displaced is as a language of communication, language of written, language of spoken. In 18th century English, French and Italian languages were taught by the same methods is the language was taught. While modern language begins to enter in the curriculum of European countries in the world. It's taught by grammar, method, sentence, structure, communication etc. It taught by grammatical rules. Grammatical rules and structures were memorized. The passages, sentences were translated from the second language to vice versa and the first language. In the 19th century English language method was considered as a method of teaching. Then many changes came after that. There have been main changes in the educational also. Textbooks where divided into two chapters and the each chapters were contained a certain grammar rules. And many return exercises. Here I talk about approaches and there are:-

·       Structural approach

·       Situation approach

·       Functional approach

·       Communicative approach

Approaches are theories about the nature of language learning that serve as the source of principles and practices in language teaching. Theoretical and positions about the nature of language teaching, language learning and applicability of both to pedagogical settings were included into the approaches. this approaches 62 B provides a comprehensive and comprehensible account of minor and major trends in language teaching from beginning of the 20th century to present also. It is a particular tradition in second or foreign language. So let's discuss about the approaches.

Structural approach

Here I discuss about the structural approach. In these approach talked about structure of English language and teaching. According to structural approach is one of the most important and hard things because it is based on the assumption that language can best be learned through a scientific selection and grading of structures. It is based on patterns of sentences and one of the most important things is vocabulary. It learned the language through pattern of sentences and vocabulary. It gives a sense of structure wise language. How it written in which way we learned this language. In this approach the press is on the learning of essential structure of the English language. In the words of Patel and Menon:-

"The structural approach is based on belief that in the learning of a foreign language mastery of structures in more important than the acquisition of vocabulary"

The structural approach is employee’s techniques and methods of the direct teaching. But it is the use of translation was not wholly discarded. Teaching is done in situation. Speech is most stressed but writing and reading are not neglected. The structural approach means that essentially what the term implies an approach and not a method as such. It is learning structure of language. It we called that way of learning and teaching. There is scope for limitless experimentation in imaginative way of employing this language in classroom. it is not correct and proper to called the structural approach is a method of teaching. And it is not just a method. But it is an approach. Any method can be used with structural approach. Following are objectives of structural approach. According to Patel and Menon these are following objectives of new structural approach. To lay the foundation of English by establishing through repetition and drill about structure and graded. The second is to enable the children to attain mastery over the essential vocabulary about root words for active use. The third is to call correlate the teaching of grammar and composition with the lessons. IV is to teach the four fundamental skills namely speaking, understanding, writing and reading. The last is proper emphasizes on the oral approach the condemnation formal grammar for its own Sake. The principles of the structural approach are the forming language habits, the importance of speech and the importance of pupils’ activity.


·       The importance of speech

The structural approach regarded speech is more important than writing and reading. The speech is necessary means of fixing all the ground works. It is too important in structural approach.


·       The importance of pupils activity

The structural approach is emphasizes on people's activity then on the teachers. Its means learning is more important. The students are the learner therefore in the learning and teaching process as we know that speech and oral work are better way of learning.


·       Forming language habits

The structural approach gives us the Farming language habits of farming language arranging words in English standard sentences patterns through the language drills.


Situational language teaching or oral approach

This approach is a method in which student to use everything hearing and they get from their surroundings. The important is by hearing what we understood from it. The context of understand and the use of language. In this the main target was to develop the skills the individual oral approach is helps us in the development of writing and in reading skills. This approach developed in 1930s to 1960s. It applied by British A.s.Hormsby tend Harold Palmer. The difference between the direct method and the oral approach is the methods which are developed in this approach. The oral approach had some theoretical principles about

·       Selection

·       Grading

·       Presentation

In the presentation represent orally content and material. We better understood from this approach because listening and watching are more effective than reading and writing. According to me oral approach is more effective than the other approaches. Because it is to lead better learning with very good vocabulary knowledge and grammatical pattern. In this language is presented in situations which lead us to the second name of approach. it had a long impact on the learning and the language moreover it is focused on

·       Oral practice

·       Grammar

·       Sentence pattern


Natural approach

Tracy Terrell proposed the natural approach to language teaching in 1977. This came in teaching from 1977. The natural approach is influenced by Stephen krashens theory of language. This approach is communication as a main function of the language. It is focused on communication. in natural approach language is considered as the means of convey a message or information. The natural approach is based on observation. It is based on understanding of the second language in the formal settings. it is focused on understanding message in the second or foreign language. it is focused on conscious learning of grammar rules and drilling. And also emphasize on learning of walkable Re learning new grammatical structure. The syllabus focused on activities. He divided activities into 4 areas there are personalizing language, content activity, the target language activity and problem solving activity

Communicative approach

Communicative language teaching or communicative approach, It is an approach of language teaching. It is emphasizes inter interaction on as both means and the goals of study. Communicative approach is related to language learning and teaching. Practice and learn the target language through communication with the one another. In communicative language teaching learning Converse about personal experience with partners. This method claims that to encourage learning to communicate their personal experience into two language learning environment. It is focused on learning experience into learning of target language. We called it the learning of communication with another person. This approach is related to our personal experience in environment when we explain through the language in our words is called communicative language teaching. Communicative language teaching is for the learners very improving teaching and learning. Through communication we learn in very easy way. Communicative language teaching for communicative approach the goal of language in education is the ability to communication in the target. This is way of explain our views through the language. This was in contrast to past views in which grammatical competence is commonly given top priority to it. Communicative language teaching is focused on not only students but also teachers because teacher being facilitator rather than and instructor. This approach is unknown method. It does not use a text book series to teach English. Communicative and oral skills are better than the writing and reading. The language can be learning easily through the process of interaction and communication. The dominant way of teaching is communicative language teaching. Before the beginning of communicative language teaching, language teaching methods of situational language. Then after communicative language teaching is begin. This approach was developed in the era of revolution in British language teaching tradition from 1960s. So this language teaching focuses on memorization and railing also.


So we can see that these are approaches very helpful for us. Through this approaches we can learn easily the language. The language is a vehicle for the fundamental meaning. These approaches are more helpful and important for learning the language. The communicative movement in the language teaching subscribes to do these views of language.



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