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Matthew Arnold's view on poetry

Matthew Arnold  ,was born in 24 December 1822 and died in 15 April 1888 and was an English poet, who worked as an inspector of schools. He was the son of  Thomas Arnold , the famed headmaster of  Rugby School , and brother to both   Tom Arnold , literary professor, and  William Delafield Arnold , novelist and colonial administrator. Matthew Arnold has been characterised as a  sage writer , a type of writer who chastises and instructs the reader on contemporary social issues. Q-1 write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you find interesting and relevant in your time? Matthew Arnold talk about good poetry in his essay. Idea of Matthew Arnold which I found interesting that, he says "poetry is cruticicr of life" it's interesting according to me. It is true that poetry is criticism of life and this definition is a very relevant in our time. so, according to me that is interesting idea of Matthew Arnold. Q-2 write about one idea of Mathew Arnold which you find

Thinking activity of Aristotle's poetics

Aristotle's poetics Aristotle was an  ancient Greek   philosopher and scientist born in the city of  Stagira ,  Chalkidiki , in the north of  Classical Greece . Along with  Plato , he is considered the "Father of Western Philosophy". Aristotle provided a complex and harmonious synthesis of the various existing philosophies prior to him, including those of Socrates and Plato, and it was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its fundamental intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry. As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be central to the contemporary philosophical discussion. Q-1 I agree with Plato's objection to freedom of expression and poet are free to imagine and portrays their expression about literary world and they depicts false picture of world and there by creat falsehood among people. Plato in his book 'the republic' s

Assignment of write a note on social backgraound of Kanthapura

 Name: Makwana Monika Roll No: 28 Paper-4: Indian writing in English Topic: Write a Critical Note on the social background of Kanthapura Enrollment No: 2069108420190027 Email I’d: Submit to: smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English Write a Critical Note on Social background of Kanthapura Introduction ‘ Kanthapura’ is a famous novel written by famous Indian writer “Raja Rao”. The novel is related about South Indian village kanthapura. It is an imagination of Raja Rao. In this novel there is description about situation of the village during the time of 1330 before freedom. It is a traditional novel with a neat leaner structure of and impact plot was written by Raja Rao. It is follows the oral traditional of Sthala Purana, or legendary history. The author is explains in his original foreword , there is o village in India, it means that has not a rich  legendary history of its own, in which  some famous figure of myth or history has made an appearance

Assignment of Hamartia and catharsis

Name: Makwana Monika Roll No: 28 Paper-3: Literary criticism or theory Topic: Hamartia and catharsis Email i’d: Submitted to: smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English Hamartia and Catharsis • Aristotle is explained the Hamartia and catharsis in his poetics. The  basis for understanding hamarstia, and then, is that a mistake is made, even it  is due more to an mistake in judgment, and may more typically, a flaw in one’s character, rather than springing  from malicious intent and it was created by Aristotle. Catharsis is connected to Greek and used by Greek philosopher Aristotle, was the first used term catharsis with reference to the emotions in his poetics. • ‘ Hamartia ’ first described in literary criticism by Aristotle in his ‘poetics’. It is the term used by Aristotle in his poetics. Hamartia is also known as ‘ Tragic flaw’ and “ error of judgment ”. it is the Greek word describes many people refer to as the tragic flaw of hero of Greek tragedy,

Assignment of write a critical Appreciation on Robinson Crusoe

Name: Makwana Monika Roll no: 28 Paper-2: The Neo- classical Literature Topic: Write a critical appreciation of Robinson Crusoe Enrollment no: 2069108420290027 Email I’D: makwanamonika76@gmail.comm Submitted to: smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English Introduction Robinson Crusoe is a Novel, written by Daniel Defoe. The novel was published in 1719 . Daniel Defoe wrote the story of “Robinson Crusoe” at the age of fifty nine. And it was immediate success of his. The story of Robinson Crusoe that has delighted the young old hundred years was actually based on an experience of a seaman in his life. Defoe’s hands and the story itself is turned into a microcosm of the eighteenth century’s triumph over nature. Crusoe stay on island, during the thirty year, Crusoe established himself completely and very comfortably. Converts his native servant Friday to Christianity, overcomes the savage and is hailed as their master. Allowing Crusoe to rescue ammunition by the happy device and mater

Assignment of Analysis of Song: Sweetest Love I Do Not Go

Name: Monika Makwana Roll No: 28 Paper- 1: The Renaissance Literature Topic: Analysis of Song: Sweetest Love I Do Not Go Enrollment no: 2069108420190027 Email I’D: Academy: SMT. S. B. Gardi Department of English Analysis of Song: sweetest Love I Do Not Go      A metaphysical poetry Song: sweetest Love I Do Not Go written by John Donne. The poem is Love Poem. John Donne’s most poems based on theme of Love and his beloved. In this poetry poet tells his beloved that he was not leaving because he was tired of the relationship, instead, he must go as a duty ,Eventually, the sun departs every night but returns every morning and he has a much shorter distance to travel. In the third stanza he suggested that his duty to leave was unstoppable cannot lengthen his life, while bad fortune will shorten it, actually, fighting bad fortune only shared one’s strength will it, as the Sighs and Cries the lover complains that if, he was really within her, she was one l

Thinking activity of movie screening: Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719. Just as in its significantly more popular predecessor, Robinson Crusoe, the first edition credits the work's fictional protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author. Author of the novel     Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe, born Daniel Foe, was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, which is second only to the Bible in its number of translations. Characters Robinson Crusoe Friday The captain Portuguese The Xury The widow The Spaniard The themes of the novel   1) The ambivalence of mastery   2) The necessity of repentance   3)The importance of Robinson Crusoe My observation, In the movie i see the journey of Robinson Crusoe on the island, his adventure,his fight with loneliness, his struggle on the island, master slave relationship. In the story, before landing on the island Cru

Thinking activity of Coleridge's Biographa Literaria

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Biographia Literaria Biographia Literaria by S.T.Coleridge is a great literary work.  Coleridge’s written critical work is contained in 24 chapters of Biographia Literaria . In  chapter 14 of  Biographia Literaria,  S.T. Coleridge thrown his philosophical-critical insights on following issues. Two Cardinal Points of Poetry Coleridge’s views towards Wordsworth’s poetic creed Difference between Poem and Prose Definition of  Liegitimate Poem &  Function of Poem Difference between Poem and Poetry 1) Write in your words the differences between poem and prose. There is huge difference between poem and prose. Language of prose is more natural and grammatical, while poem's language is rhymical. poems are written in Rhyme. And prose writers usually has no words limit whereas prom is written in limited words. Prose writes written their ideas in sentences while poet is written their ideas in lines. According to Samuel Taylor Cole