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Showing posts from September, 2019

Thinking activity on the birthday party

Thinking Activity :- The Birthday Party The task (1) Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?   In the movie when the birthday party starts at that time Lulu is present. And then the very important part of the movie she is npt present in the movie. When somebody rapes on her. She becomes a victims of someone. At that time In the play she is present and she blams on Maccann. This scene is not present in the movie. Maybe director wants focus on the Stanley's character or his situation. That's why Lulu omitted from the movie. (2) Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text? => Yes, According to me movie is successful to give us the effect of meance. In the movie two strengers are there. Both wants take Stanley with them. And that's why they creates a difficulty for him. They mentally touched him. When Stanley knew that both strengers came. At that time he does not like. He don't want

Thinking activity on waiting for Godot

The task Waiting for Godot play is written by Samuel Backett. It is a tragic  comic play. And  Characters are :-  •Vladimir •Estrogen •Pozzo •Lucky •a little Boy. The task:- 1)       What connection do you see in the setting (“A country road. A tree.Evening.”) of the play and these paintings? They inspired Beckett for the 'Setting' of his play - 'Waiting for Godot'.The 'longing' may be 'waiting' but then there is no further comparison possible. The 'waiting' for Beckett is in the indifference and uncaring universe. It means doesn’t matter for universe, you are doing anything but nature doesn’t change. If we feel sadness so we say nothingness in life but universe never change according our emotions. This is fact of the universe longing and waiting are only human emotions not for universe. 2)       The tree is the only important ‘thing’ in the

Thinking activity : Breath play by Samuel Beckett

About Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett was born on April 13, 1906, in Dublin, Ireland. During the 1930s and 1940s he wrote his first novels and short stories. He wrote a trilogy of novels in the 1950s as well as famous plays like Waiting for Godot. In 1969 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. His books .. • The Play 'Breath' CURTAIN Up 1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds. 2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds. 3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds. My views on videos of the play : 1. Breath by Damien Hirst :- This video shows the picture of rubbish kind of medical garbage. There is a keyboard also. We also can see the symbol of

The task on existentialism

Existentialism What is Existentialism? a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. Thoughts from videos 1)The first video talked about whsw is Existentialism. In this I like the ides about individuality, passion and freedom. 2) the myth of sysyphus:- I like, sucide is best option in this absurd life. 3)in this video talked about the philosophical suicide and it come out from a total absence of hope, concious dissatisfaction. 4) in this video I like, condemn old value to death 5)in this video, existentialism is gloomy philosophy and in ever life we find, anxiety, despair, absurdity. 7)in this video, view as existentialism not as philosophical system. 8) in this video, existentialism term is for mature people not for small children. 9)  Existentalism is way of life and it connected with our religion, rituals, routine life etc 10)

Transcendentalism and anti- Transcendentalism in the Scarlett letter

The task What is Transcendentalism? It is a philosophical movement that developed in the late 1820s and 1830s in the eastern United States. It arose as a reaction, to protest against the general state of intellectualism and spirituality at the time. What is Anti-Transcendentalism? It was an opposition movement to the Transcendentalist. The Transcendentalist were writers who supported the beauty of Nature, the kindness of Humans and a distrust in government. Transcendentalism vs Anti- Transcendentalism Transcendentalism and Anti - transendetranscen in scarlett letter : The Scarlett letter is written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In this novel  Nature is very beautifully portraits. It’s symbol of acceptance Hester by Nature. Sometime She live alone with Nature. Nature give a space for her and also for her child. She is very strong character in this novel .she is able to raise her voice against society and religion. She is facing lot's of problems and she suffering a lot

Thinking activity on ELT-1 first five essay

1. What is English Language for you ? According to me nowadays english language is very important for us and for many things like.. job and also using internet, Mobile phones, computer,laptops.  English language is very useful and needful for me. l think, learning English as a international language is the best option for me. English is of course an excellent choice, and it is also difficult for me. This language is very important in life. English language play vital roll in my life. 2. What kind of challenges you are facing and have faced while learning this language ?  When I learnt this Language that time I struggle a lot, because I facing many difficulties like grammar, translation, understanding of structure of this language, and many more. While learning this language at that time I don't know about it's structure, rules of grammar, vocabulary and we do mistake in write spelling. So I have faced many challenges while learning English language like.. many  misunderst

August: Patriotism and Religious Fervour

The task on August: Patriotism and Religious Fervour August: Revolution:- Revolution's are usually political in their nature.they make something change or new. In the revolutions include.. • fighting, • civil unrest In August month we celebrated.. • "Independence Day "  we celebrated freedom of India from British rules. On August 15, the Việt Minh immediately launched the insurrection which they had already prepared for a long time. 'People's Revolutionary Committees' across the countryside took over administrative positions, often acting on their own initiative, while in the cities the Japanese stood by as the Vietnamese took control.  August month is not only month of revolutions but also is month of religious festivals. August: religious festival:-     In August we celebrated the festival sitla Satam it festival of God and godess. In this month People celebrated sitla Satam and they believe in God blindly.   August is month of Shar

Dr. Balaji Rangnathan's lecture on post colonial studies

Hello readers, Here I want to share my experience about lecture of respect sir, dr. Balaji Rangnathan We have guest lectures on Postcolonial studies by Balaji Ranganathan. He teach us in very interesting way And I would like to special thanks to him. post-colonial studies paper's units:- • Black skin white mask • Imaginary Homelands • Orientalism • A Tempest In the first day lecture he teach us about first unit Black skin white mask by Frantz Fanon.  He explain post-colonial studies and it's various points. Chapters of the first unit • The Negro and language • The woman of colour and white man •  The man of colour and white woman • The So-called dependency complex of the colonized • The lived experience of the  black man • The Black man and psychology • The Black man and Recognition He explains important points like... • Towards a new humanism.... • understanding among men... • our coloured brothers... • mankind, I believe in you... • Race pr